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Resources and support

Drinking less, or not at all, is a positive health decision you can make. It can benefit your body and mind in many ways.  

Making even small changes to your drinking patterns can help reduce the risk of developing a range of alcohol-caused illnesses and conditions.

Cutting back on the amount of alcohol you drink, or stopping entirely, can benefit both your body and mind.

If you are concerned about the alcohol use of someone you care about, there are strategies you can use to speak with and support them. Throughout this, it is also important to take care of your own health and wellbeing. 

There are a range of services that can provide you or a family member with health information – physical or mental – about alcohol and support reducing or stopping alcohol and other drug use.  

Resource library

Browse our range of resources to learn more about how alcohol affects your health, the benefits of cutting back, and how you can take steps to reduce the risks from alcohol and support yourself, your friends and your family.

Need advice or support?

To find a local GP, you can call 1800 022 222 or visit To find a local psychologist, visit If you need other support to reduce your drinking, you can contact the National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline on 1800 250 015.

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