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To help shape and inform the development of effective alcohol policy across the country, FARE makes submissions to a range of Commonwealth, State and Territory government inquiries. 

You can read our latest submissions below, or use the search bar to find submissions about a particular policy area.

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Latest submissions

Proposed Queensland regulatory framework for online liquor sale and delivery

Alcohol harm is exacerbated by the online sale and delivery of alcohol, which has vastly increased availability and accessibility. This is part of a broader trend towards digitisation of transactions and mobility of products in society. But alcohol is no ordinary product like groceries or books. It is a drug that requires controls on how it is sold and supplied so that communities are protected from potential harm.

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Three year review of the NT Liquor Act

In 2023, the Northern Territory Government announced a review of the Liquor Act 2019 (the Act), to assess how the Act is meeting its objective of minimising alcohol harm. As part of the review, a Discussion Paper was published that outlined key issues and potential reforms.

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Pre-budget submission 2018-19

The submission outlines the health and economic harms associated with the current approach to alcohol taxation, and shows the wide-ranging support for reform and effective measures to instigate cost-saving preventive measures.

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Submission to the National Sports Plan

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) and Bluearth welcomed the opportunity to make a submission on the development of the National Sports Plan. FARE’s submission contained six recommendations, and calls for the establishment of a sports sponsorship replacement fund, with revenue to be generated from a long overdue and much needed reform of the alcohol tax system.

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