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To help shape and inform the development of effective alcohol policy across the country, FARE makes submissions to a range of Commonwealth, State and Territory government inquiries. 

You can read our latest submissions below, or use the search bar to find submissions about a particular policy area.

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Latest submissions

Proposed Queensland regulatory framework for online liquor sale and delivery

Alcohol harm is exacerbated by the online sale and delivery of alcohol, which has vastly increased availability and accessibility. This is part of a broader trend towards digitisation of transactions and mobility of products in society. But alcohol is no ordinary product like groceries or books. It is a drug that requires controls on how it is sold and supplied so that communities are protected from potential harm.

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Three year review of the NT Liquor Act

In 2023, the Northern Territory Government announced a review of the Liquor Act 2019 (the Act), to assess how the Act is meeting its objective of minimising alcohol harm. As part of the review, a Discussion Paper was published that outlined key issues and potential reforms.

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Submission to ANPHA on the Draft Report: Exploring the case for a minimum floor price for alcohol

FARE’s submission to the Australian National Preventive Health Agency (ANPHA)’s draft report Exploring the public interest case for a minimum (floor) price for alcohol recommends that ANPHA put forward a comprehensive alcohol pricing reform agenda for the Australian Government, which includes immediately removing the Wine Equalisation Tax (WET) and further consideration of a minimum floor price for alcohol.

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2013-14 Pre-budget submission

FARE acknowledges that the Commonwealth Government is committed to reaching a surplus in the 2013-14 Budget, so this submission therefore outlines areas of cost savings for Government, as well as areas where modest investment will make a significant difference to communities and individuals. The case for introducing evidence-based alcohol prevention policies has never been more compelling.

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Submission to the NSW Inquiry into the provision of alcohol to minors

FARE’s submission to the New South Wales (NSW) Legislative Assembly Social Policy Committee Inquiry into the provision of alcohol to minors proposes a comprehensive approach to preventing harmful alcohol consumption in NSW. This approach examines four key areas of state-based alcohol policy: supply of alcohol to minors, trading hours, outlet density, and evaluation and data collection and makes 12 recommendations for the NSW Government.

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Submission to ANPHA consultation on minimum price for alcohol

FARE provided a submission to the Australian National Preventive Health Agency (ANPHA) consultation into Exploring the public interest case for a minimum (floor) price for alcohol, recommending a staged approach to alcohol pricing and taxation policy reform which would reduce alcohol-related harms.

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2012-13 Pre-budget submission

FARE’s submission to the Treasury outlines five areas for consideration during the 2012-13 Commonwealth Budget process that will reduce the substantial costs caused by alcohol-related harms.

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Submisison to the Inquiry into Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

FARE and the Public Health Association of Australia’s submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs Inquiry into Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) addresses each of the Terms of Reference (prevention strategies, intervention needs and management issues for FASD) and examines the higher prevalence rates of FASD among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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